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Buyer Request for Videographers
Video editing and content creation.
It's time to upgrade my content, and I am looking for a freelancer to help my content grow more professional.
I would like to start with video editing and advice for shooting better content.
If we work well together, grow the relationship to more of a business partner structure.

The content is mostly solo female and blowjob oriented video work, but I'm hoping to make a full brand of my work and take this to the next level. I've got 2+ years as an amateur, my partner has been partially involved for the past two years, but neither of us have video and photography skill - he has been learning and working on the fundamentals, but not professional.

I'm hoping to find a female freelancer to work with, but a good relationship is a good relationship.

Budget: 100-200 USD   Delivery Time: 3 Days   Message Now

7 | Badkuki Keino Maxiuni

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