

About McaBrydesPridePrifuctionandStudio

Hello. I am 1 of the owner operators of our dream, McBryde's Pride Production & Studio llc, MPPS. This site will be the best site to make money, meet people, and enjoy the model side as well as the XXX side of life. I want to be very eyes and hands on in keeping a close eye on everything that happens on the site. Complaints go directly to my email on my cell.
***The site will be for 21 years and up only, not 18, most 18 year olds are still in high school and still at home.
***A easier but more fun way to make a life for yourself. info needed to be able to join as a member or for a model.
***We will be doing a huge photo shoot only for our 1st contest, of many, that begins in February 2024. Be for people who want to not only be a model but in the XXX industry as well. Be looking at several different things. Not only will the people on the site that has been verified be able to vote but we will be getting a few freelance models not in the contest to vote. Just like in real contest, there will be several things being looked at. No nudity will be allowed in contest. I will post more information at a later time. All contest run a certain length of time. Normally 7 days.
***There will be no guest viewers allowed on the site. All people will be verified. I want to know who is on this site. A few safety precautions will be added to the site.

Anyone wanting more information on the website, freelance positions, contest, off site voters, or designing merchandise please let me know.

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Joined: 1 year ago

Profile Visits: 431

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Buyer Request for Website Development
Hello. I am looking for someone who can builder/designer/maintenance, basically do it all. This will need to be someone who can do every aspect of the website and is self motivated. This is going to have several security features to protect the people who use the site. I want someone who has a portfolio/examples of work. Possibly even references. This will pay well.

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2 | Gallesio Exesse Exesse McaBrydesPridePrifuctionandStudio



Buyer Request for App & Web Design
We are at the doing stage of our future. Everything is down on paper.
**We are looking for someone to design, build, and maintaining the website.
***We are looking for someone who can design our logo as well as some advertising products for our big day of searching for the talent as well as products to sold on website.
***We are also looking for people who do photography/videos for our company.

Delivery Time: 1 Day   Message Now

1 | McaBrydesPridePrifuctionandStudio

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