Posted In Video & Audio

Video Editing for OnlyFans and Major Social Media Platforms **P r o j e c t D e s c r i p t i o n :** I’m an OnlyFans/social media agent seeking a skilled video editor capable of editing content in harmony with the content creator's vision. My client is a Norwegian mature enchanting beauty who combines her creative artistic skills with erotic nudity and the wild Nordic nature. We are particularly interested in female video editors, but the key factors are your personal approach to the job and your signature editing style. **K e y r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s :** - Edit videos for OnlyFans, TikTok, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Snapchat, and Reddit • Work with provided raw footage to create engaging content • Maintain the unique style and essence of the content creator • Adapt editing techniques to suit different social media platforms • Ensure timely delivery of edited content **R e q u i r e m e n t s :** - Ability to develop a distinctive editing style that stands out - Ability to balance artistic vision with platform guidelines • Fast and efficient workflow • Excellent communication skills • Up-to-date knowledge on using AI as a tool in video editing • Comfort and professionalism when working with mature/erotic content • Understanding of platform-specific requirements and trends **D e l i v e r a b l e s :** - Edited videos optimized for each specified platform • Regular communication on project progress **T i m e l i n e :** Ongoing projects with regular deadlines **B u d g e t :** Negotiable based on experience, quality, and uniqueness of work **T o a p p l y,** please submit a link to your resume and relevant work samples, and a brief note outlining your approach to this project. Include examples of your editing style and how you would adapt it to our content creator's unique blend of erotic nudity and Nordic nature themes. We look forward to collaborating with a creative editor who can elevate our content across multiple platforms while maintaining the authentic essence of the content creator.

Budget: 100 USD   Delivery Time: 7 Days


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