It can be a person, building, piece of art, nature, scenery, specific body part. It can also be from Cosplay to make it look even more fantasy and surrealistic.
I also accept work for adult images, boudoir, nudes, nude art.
You can use these results to have amazing looking images on your social media, sale them as NFTs, sale them in art platforms like ArtPal, Adobe and many more, even print them and hang them up wherever you like. My clients are related to Digital Art Galleries, NFTs, Manga, Anime, Book Edition and Writing, Social Media Influencers, Models, Private and more.
The image is not completely change, the originality of you image is not modified, that is to keep the essence of your work. The Background, Surroundings or Colors will remain the same, the colors may change in some of the images to adjust the Cartoon looking theme and will enhance others.
Please take a look at my Galleries to have an idea of what you will receive.
XXXGHOSTNFTs currently has 1 listings available & joined 1 year ago
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