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Write your artist bio or summary, Write your artist biography or description.

Admin Admin

Write your artist bio or summary, Write your artist biography or description. photo

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About This Listing

Are you a musician, who's looking to stand out from the rest?

Do you require an excellent bio to capture the essence of what you do?

If yes, then you are looking in the right place!

As a music lover, there's nothing better than finding out more about the artists I love to listen to.

whatever site you choose to promote your music on, it is extremely important to have an all-inclusive description of yourself that will captivate your fans and listeners in the best way possible. Your listeners don't only need to know who you are and what you do but also, who your influences are, what your backstory is and what makes you interesting. 

I will help elevate your music by writing a long or short professional artist bio to capture all of the elements you require. 

To make this right for you, I will ask for some details about yourself such as your artist name, when you formed, and your genre.  I am also happy to complete my own research if needed. 

About Me:

I am a music writer and former artist, who graduated in 2012 from the ICMP in London, Kilburn, and I also hold a 3 year BA HONS degree in creative arts and media,  involving creative writing and social media. 

look forward to hearing from you!

Are you a musician, who's looking to stand out from the rest?


Do you require an excellent bio to capture the essence of what you do?


If yes, then you are looking in the right place!


As a music lover, there's nothing better than finding out more about the artists I love to listen to.


whatever site you choose to promote your music on, it is extremely important to have an all-inclusive description of yourself that will captivate your fans and listeners in the best way possible. Your listeners don't only need to know who you are and what you do but also, who your influences are, what your backstory is and what makes you interesting. 


I will help elevate your music by writing a long or short professional artist bio to capture all of the elements you require. 


To make this right for you, I will ask for some details about yourself such as your artist name, when you formed, and your genre.  I am also happy to complete my own research if needed. 


About Me:


I am a music writer and former artist, who graduated in 2012 from the ICMP in London, Kilburn. 


look forward to hearing from you!






Hi, my name is Mary and I am an experienced freelance writer and blogger, with first-hand knowledge specialising in the music and entertainment industry. I am also available to write about any other topics if required. Please contact me if you would like to learn more, Thank you!

About Admin

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If you have any questions please send us a message and our team will try our best to help and a**ist. We're always happy to listen to any feedback. If you have any suggestions please shoot us a message.

We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service and giving our community the best experience possible!

Admin currently has 0 listings available & joined 5 years ago

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